Expertise On-Demand

Telehealth Software for Medical Professionals

Conduct HIPAA-compliant scope video calls,
provide expertise on-demand,
and improve patient outcomes

Watch the overview

Quintree Telemedicine helps hospital and doctors fight COVID-19.

LIMIT PATIENT CONTACT: Our Telemedicine software helps protect Health Care workers while improving the delivery of medical care and improving public health.

EASE E.R. OVERCROWDING: Our doctor to doctor software solution will leverage the reach of ER, ID and primary care physicians. The software allows specialty doctors to work remotely with any flexible scope to make fast and accurate assessment solutions to assess airways issues, looping in real-time to the emergency room, hospital bed, primary care or infectious disease doctors.

1 DAY TO INSTALL: This fully portable SaaS software takes less than 1 day to install.

The coronavirus will cause a spike of airway issues that can overwhelm healthcare delivery. Widespread respiratory testing of people at risk for coronavirus infection or those infected who experience respiratory distress is needed to avoid the rapid spread of the virus or treat those who contract it.
Hospital system personnel and physicians on the front lines bear the burden of increased visit volume and risk becoming sick themselves. Simultaneously, they feel a responsibility to their patients, both in caring for their needs and in protecting them from additional exposure from other patients. Health systems are encouraging doctors who are self-quarantined because of recent travel to see patients using video.
The use of telemedicine to leverage the reach of treating doctors is critical for the safe management of this pandemic and the proper allocation of limited resources. Tele-visits make it easier for doctors and specialty doctors to connect in real-time.
The concern is that Emergency rooms, hospital beds and the respiratory treatment they offer, will be overwhelmed, and doctor’s offices in demand. Health systems are racing to adapt and develop virtual services that can serve as their front line for patients, and leverage accurate diagnosis by medical specialists. The use of telemedicine can help reduce the time spent in the Emergency Room or avoid an extra trip to a medical specialist and helps expedite the proper treatment for respiratory distress.
Now hospitals and doctors, with our technology, can keep serving patients in the most efficient and safe manner while delivering quality healthcare. We are honored to be at the forefront of specialized telemedicine to make a difference.

We provide expertise on-demand,
And improve patient care

Quintree was built by physicians with the goal of performing and interpreting live endoscopy; increasing patient care, quality, and efficiency.
Dramatically reduce the time it takes to diagnose patients
Increase patient satisfaction
Improve Efficiency
HIPAA Compliant

Example Specialty: ENT

Upper respiratory complaints are a high volume, routine diagnosis in healthcare: 200+ million episodes per year in the US.

These are often diagnosed sight unseen in the emergency department, urgent care center, or physician office. Symptoms diagnosed as ordinary often go undetected and result in complications and unnecessary risk to patients. Patients are often prescribed unnecessary antibiotics without being properly diagnosed.

Visually inspecting a patient’s airways using fiber optic video scopes with expertise from a board certified ENT physician removes guesswork and increases the quality of patient care.

Quintree enables online training in endoscopic sinus surgery

University of Adelaide (Australia) experts have delivered the world’s first remote sinus surgical training to surgeons in Japan.

Professor Alkis Psaltis and Professor Wormald from Adelaide Medical School along with their Japanese surgical colleague Dr Masanobu Suzuki trained more than 200 surgeons at Hokkaido University in Japan.
“We conducted the course remotely using Quintree technology that allowed us to directly supervise the surgeons and give them real-time feedback and instruction as they performed surgical procedures on 3D models in Japan,” said Professor Psaltis.

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Example Specialty: UROLOGY

Cystoscopy is one of the most common procedures in the Urologic practice with multiple indications.

Urology’s continued advancement into the field of telemedicine would be greatly propelled by the development of a system for remote cystoscopy without sacrificing quality of care provided to our patients.

We present a method for remote cystoscopy to be performed by any healthcare provider under the direct supervision of a Urologist in real time.

Use of Remote Video Technology for Bedside Flexible Cystoscopy

In the William Beaumont Hospital Urology Staff clinic four cystoscopies were performed using the Quintree software that allows for the ‘expert’ Urologist to be available remotely.

"Four cystoscopic evaluations were performed during the proof of concept period. We found excellent results in terms of the use of telecommunication software, allowing providers the ability to perform basic cystoscopic procedures under the real-time supervision of an attending Urologist."

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Provider initiates session via Quintree
Expert begins session with Provider via Quintree
Provider scopes patient, transmitting video and audio
Provider can ask questions and get direction on views, image quality, clinical and patient issues
Expert views patient scope in real-time audio/video, provides feedback in session
Expert completes an interpretation report back to Provider (e.g. “overread”)


Benefits to Provider

Provide higher quality, more comprehensive care to the patient
Improve patient experience by providing an objective, high tech diagnosis
Augment risk management through having expert consultation
Access on-demand expertise appropriate to situation
Control network referrals
Can bill a more complex code to the payer (higher reimbursement)
No expensive software
Easy to pilot and work with—minimal equipment investment

Benefits to Expert

Bring expertise to cases where professional knowledge is truly valued and applicable at the point of patient care
Apply expertise sooner in the consultation process
Be positioned to gain referrals from the provider
Income source while not busy seeing other patients or during off hours
No expensive software
Simplified payment and administration through online tools
Easy to pilot and work with—no upfront investment

Benefits to Residency Programs

ACGME in 2014 came out with the Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) program. CLER is a component of NAS. As such, it is designed to provide US teaching hospitals, medical centers, health systems, and other clinical settings affiliated with ACGME-accredited institutions with periodic feedback that addresses the following six areas: patient safety; healthcare quality; care transitions; supervision; duty hours and fatigue management and mitigation; and professionalism.

Quintree can help clinical sites improve three main goals of the CLER program: health care quality, care transitions, and supervision. It seamlessly allows for direct patient to doctor contact via real-time transmission of fiberoptic laryngoscopy and nasal endoscopy images.

Already, major University Otolaryngology Departments are utilizing Quintree to improve resident education, allow safer and more reliable disposition of patients, and improve hospital and patient quality through on-demand specialist consultation.

Please reach out to us about a demo of all of our services for your Residency Program, and we can offer a 60 day free trial for your site.

Detailed information about CLER program can be found here.


I have had the privilege of using the Quintree telecommunication system which showed me that physician to physician telemedicine is extremely powerful. The ease and simplicity of using the connection device and the Quintree web application speaks for itself. Quintree offers great, quick, perfect patient care at a click of a button.
John Colombo, M.D.
I used Quintree for inpatient care and was able to smoothly and effortlessly send high quality images to a ENT physician and make a diagnosis swiftly that helped ensure high fidelity care for my patient.
Dr. Sagar Patel